New Quarter, New Knowledge

I learned about HTML tags and community-based research (CBR) in school, and I'm actually really curious about the topic because I am not familiar with the tags we use and it's my first time doing a research. 

One of the significant challenges I encountered this third quarter was the struggle to maintain good scores and manage time. Balancing personal responsibilities with personal commitments proved to be demanding, leading to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion.

I address this challenges by asking for help with my classmates, teacher and practice teacher. By asking them, it became understandable making the work easier for me to accomplished.

Moving on, I will study harder and I will keep learning. I will continue learning about HTML so that my knowledge about it will grow.


  1. glad you enjoyed and learned a lot again this quarter! Only 1 more quarter to go! Lets survive this

  2. Wow! You've gained a lot this 3rd quarter, and despite all the difficulties, you've overcome them. Keep it up! :>

  3. I learned so much from this! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


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